Approximately 24 hours after Victory was declared on 01April2024 against the illegal harassment and encroachment of by-law officers, North Huron council has announced they have called in the military for training.
Fact: 01April2024 LECA came into effect. This new agency will hold ALL law enforcement to account, including by-law. Police officers can no longer illegally use a corporations by-laws to trespass, search & seize, harass, threaten or coerce private citizens without accountability.
Fact: 02April2024 North Huron council lets slip information they apparently werent supposed to release. They have called in the military to help with training.
Fact: There has been a jump in those impersonating law enforcement and military personal.
For your own safety, all Citizens must film all interactions with the police, military, or anyone with a gun that claims to have dominion over you.
Watch the council meeting below for confirmation and/or call Town Hall at 519-357-3550.