On the 8th of April 2024 West Grey Police commenced a child abuse investigation. As result of this investigation a 34 year old female from West Grey with three counts of child abandonment under the Criminal Code. She was released with conditions and will appear in court in June to answer to the charges
On May 16, 2024 West Grey officers responded to motor vehicle collision at Concession 4 NDR and the 5th Sideroad in West Grey. One of the vehicle drivers was suspected of being under the influence of alcohol and failed a roadside screening test. He was arrested and transported to the West Grey Police Service where he refused to provide samples of his breath. The 66 year old male accused from Waterloo was charged under the Criminal Code with failure or refusal to comply with demand. He was released with conditions and his license was suspended. He will appear in court to answer to the charges in June.
On May 21, 2024 West Grey officers conducting RIDE on Grey Rd 4 stopped a vehicle driven by a 33 year old female from Durham. She registered a warn on the roadside screening device and her license was suspended for three days as a result.
Several warrants were executed during the past two weeks on individuals who failed to attend court as directed.