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North Huron Council Finally Publicly Acknowledges They Have No Authority On Private Land
Source: WFP Date: Sat Oct 26 03:49:14 MST 2024
(North Huron, Ontario) At the October 21, 2024, North Huron council meeting, a councilor finally publicly admitted that they cannot enforce their bylaws on private property. This shocking admission of guilt exposes them to potential litigation as their victims become aware of their rights and realize that the bylaw department never had authority over private land.
This fascist overreach by town halls across Ontario has cost their victims millions of dollars defending themselves against the unlawful actions of bylaw enforcement.
The crumbling and costly replacement of neglected infrastructure is due to bylaw enforcement across Ontario refusing to fulfill their responsibilities and ensure that infrastructure is maintained. Some highly corrupt municipalities do not even have job descriptions for their enforcement officers, as they have hired their friends to bully and target victims.